Tatcraft New Hardware Studios

Tatcraft New Hardware Studios is a 2.500sqm LAB / Innovation Space / Urban Manufacturing Space Located in Frankfurt.

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360° Holistic Project Development
Business Development
Brand Design
Web Development
Brand Execution

Tatcraft New Hardware Studios is by far the largest and in duration the longest project we ever realized. With the intent to democratize the process of developing and producing (intelligent) physical things (products) Tatcraft built an 2.000sqm innovation playground.


Tatcraft New Hardware Studios, as a physical space was our first fully self-incubated and realized project of Tatcraft back in 2017. A space, heavily equipped with high (and low) tech machinery and workshop infrastructure which encourages enthusiasts, product developers, designers, startups and established companies to create prototypes and produce small batches efficiently and in an agile manner. With growing experience we were able to grow TCNHS substantially and established TCNHS as an innovation catalyst for successful startups. From 2019 we / TCNHS is fully committed to act according to our “New Hardware Manifesto” which contains shared beliefs that give orientation towards a “World 2.0”, fueled by New Hardware.
Product Strategy
TCNHS is built to become an ever evolving innovation microcosm. It is a place where people meet and ideas are manifest. The product strategy is two things for one to optimize the innovation process and second make it more fun. Therefore we try to provide as many synergetic offerings as possible which then result in a one-stop-shop solution for creators of many respective fields.
Brand Design
From a brand design perspective we wanted to underline the two most important points that originate from corporate strategy and business design. First the easy accessibility and second the disruptive potential of TCNHS. Graphic elements and stylistic devices, that figuratively range from societal upheavals are the basis of a design code that includes fine patterns, (text) boxes and a custom color palette as most important elements.
Business Design
Tatcraft New Hardware Studios is an orchestrator business model. We try to conduct as many ideas / processes / players as possible and help facilitate successful projects along the innovation value chain. Tatcraft New Hardware Studios is part of the Tatcraft Platform and plays a significant role in providing and democratising infrastructure/machines and being the space to nurture tatcrafts valuable network of co-creators.